Reggie Parker


​I am an amateur comedian in the D.C. area. Most of my experience is open mic comedy.

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Decay NJ

I recently met local artist Patrick Brennan at The Old Bay Restaurant in New Brunswick. The first thing I noticed was that he was wearing a cool shirt, and after a detailed conversation I learned about his local business DecayNJ. Scott Fourre and Patrick Brennan, two local artists,  started DecayNJ about 4 years ago. They had been working on some graphic design before that, but in June of 2010 they trademarked their name and designs, and became an LLC. Initially the artists started out with the idea of printing their own line specifically, and as time went on, decided to also print items for other businesses, be it t-shirts, hoodies, or doing store front window vinyl designs.

DecayNJ is currently the definition of a small business. All operations are run out of Brennan's  home in Plainfield. It's a 2 man operation,  and the business' first year was basically spent acquiring equipment one item at a time. DecayNJ was intially funded with Fourre and Brennan's 2010 tax returns, and over time they  were able to add more equipment to their set up. 

All of the designs are based on the classic "Horror" movie genre. Brennan explained "Growing up, we were both big fans of horror movies, and I don't think there's any question that growing up in the 80's, we had some of the best horror movies ever! All of our designs, in some way or another, have a little slice of Jersey in them...we just try to put a little bit of a horror/post-apocalyptic spin on it." 
The duo plan to expand and are working on having their apparel featured in local business such as the NJ Skateshop located in New Brunswick. They are also breaking into the growing convention scene. DecayNJ was a vendor at Bizzare AC the first ever Atlantic City Horror-con which was hosted at the Tropicana Hotel this past June 13-15.

Brennan stated "BizzareAC was an amazing experience for us. We hadn't done anything of that size yet, so it was a little overwhelming to prepare for it. The crowd was a much more mixed genre than we had expected. This goes for both the audience and the other vendors. It was a real eye opener for us, and gave us an idea of how we might stand in doing some of the other events, such as Chiller, and Monster-Mania."

DecayNJ are supporters of local artists, and anybody trying to use their imagination in a constructive way.

Their future plans consist of trying to feature at upcoming local events, such as the Asbury Park Zombie Walk. They are also attending an event on October 11th at Erie Park in Montclair, called Dog Walk Of The Dead... which is exactly what it sounds like dogs and zombies together. ( ) With the growing horror genre fanbase it seems that DecayNJ has found it's niche in that market. Look to see the local business' designs being worn in the local Piscataway/New Brunswick area. You can follow the DecayNJ fanpage on Facebook.

The apparell can be purchased online at: